ElasTest developers, contributors and users

ElasTest ambition is to create a community and a full ecosystem of users, contributors and business models. The force joining the community will come from a transparent and flexible open source software licensing scheme. We will follow an open development model, publishing our inital roadmap but accepting feedback from the community. We will do our best to attract developers or other kind of contributors to be part of the ElasTest community, helping us to create ElasTest and promoting it.

We have created elastest.io a web site specifically tailored to ElasTest community. This site will have the installation instructions, user documentation, developer procedures, histories from our users, ElasTest blog, etc. Please visit it regullary if you want to get informed about news.

Communication Channels


ElasTest will be developed in the open using GitHub source code repositories and issue trackers

Users mailing list

We have a public mailing list in Google Groups that users can use to ask questions and share information about the project

Public Issue Tracker

The place used by external contributors and users to submit bugs related to ElasTest


Stay in touch with us on Twitter. Follow the project activities minute by minute


We publish posts with relevant information about the project development in our blog


View our presentations, videotutorials and some fun videos in our YouTube channel


View our presentations in our SlideShare account